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Sons and Daughters of God....

Writer's picture: dean9058dean9058

Last week we talked about Jesus, the Son, and His Heavenly Father.  We also talked about how we could become the sons (and daughters) of God.

The first thing we should be doing, if we want to represent true sons and daughter, is, like Jesus, to take time to be alone with God and pray!!!  Do you do this? Does your soul pant, like David’s did, for God, like a deer pants for water?  I am in many ways a mess, but I do yearn for Him alone each morning? It’s a matter of fact that He is the first thing in my mind and the first person to whom I speak!.

So here’s my testimony of how my life is dedicated to Him—I rise early and I pray—-and so should you.  Pray—early in the morning—-first  thing. Praying before daybreak!  We’re told that, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”, Mark 1:35, NIV

My destiny is to be conformed to the actual life, on this earth,  of God’s Son—Jesus.  He  had a dedicated prayer life and would rise early in the morning, before daybreak, to spend time communicating with God the Father.  He was the Son of God—-and yet spent hours in prayer???If this is what Jesus required for the beginning of His days, how much more so you and me?!Prayer was an essential matter to Jesus and He prioritized it in his busy schedule as He set about to change the course of human history!!!

Jesus chose the quiet early morning hours to connect deeply with His father.  Now if Jesus needed to connect with God to receive guidance, strength, and peace for the demanding day ahead, how can you and I avoid time with Him.  Jesus withdrew from crowds and activities to be alone in prayer.  I got up today at 5:00 pm to make sure I got my time with God in before my family began to give me tasks!

What did Jesu do when He was overwhelmed with work?  Luke tells us this: “Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God” (Luke 6:12). The whole night! And we get tired after five minutes.  You look at any lioness or lion for God Almighty, and you’ll discover that they are “athletes” in prayer!  They spend hours praying. Nothing is more important  setting aside focused time for daily prayer and Bible study—-nothing.  This must be a non-negotiable priority for us, just like it was for Jesus, no matter how busy your day becomes.

When we do the same, starting mornings in prayer by inviting God’s presence and guidance into our day, it dramatically affects how we experience and respond to people and all the troubles that will come our way! And here is the framework for prayer—-this is how Jesus tells us we should structure our prayers:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

(That is, be begin by adoraing and praising Him)

Give us this day our daily bread,

(That is, asking God to give us our needs)and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,

(Confession and acknowledgement that we have forgiven others!)

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.

(That is, “protect us God”!)

Do you pray every day? Do you begin by praising Him?  You might wonder why we should praise Him?  I mean, if he really is all-powerful, then why does He demand that we adore Him?

But think about  praising God like being in awe of a  picture that’s a masterpiece.  Whether or not you recognize the value of the painting does not diminish the worthiness of piece of art. Rather, it’s about the person noticing, respecting, being changed by the experience of seeing it. For the Christian, the painting represents God and our praise that should quite naturally follow.

There is nothing insufficient in God that he needs our worship. Rather, He wants it; and He wants us. The command is an invitation into fellowship with the Divine.

Think about things we praise—-it’s the things we love!  Music, poetry, snow on the mountain, those we’re courting—sometimes even politicians!   It’s safe to say that without praising something or someone, we become less human.  We need to praise—-or adore—-great and magnificent things.

So let me you my give personal testimony, the first thing on my mind when I wake us is Him—my heavenly father.  And as I walk into the bathroom I  adore Him—-it sets the day right.

When I go downstairs, while it’s still dark to pray, I walk to the espresso machine praising Him!  Praise and adoration is not thanksgiving—-it’s given God what is due Him—and I need to do it!

It changes my whole outlook and fulfills my need to offer to Him, the Great Redeemer and lover of my soul—-loving adoration.  I can’t explain the sensation—but He made us to worship Him.

Next I confess my sins and I ask him to both forgive me and protect me!  I need a changed, redirected heart!  I offer specific confession for specific sins and I remind Him that I will do even worse unless His hand is upon me to show me the right way.  And of course, I ask Him to protect me from those temptations to which I so willingly and quickly give in.  In reference to temptation, I think of what Alfred Doolittle sang in My Fair Lady,

“The Lord above made liquor for temptation To see if man could turn away from sin The Lord above made liquor for temptation-but With a little bit of luckWith a little bit of luckWhen temptation comes you'll give right in!”

Well, we don’t want a little bit of luck, do we? We need a little bit of protection from the tempter!

So I offer God specific sin—-He knows it anyway!  But I will only change when I accompany confession with genuine remorse! “Against You only have I sinned!  Lord help me to remember that and I will change.”

And then I thank God.  Too often we take the good things that happen, or things that work out as coincidence or luck.  That not only takes the magic out of our relationship with Him, but it’s insulting to the Almighty!  Give Him thanks for what He’s done or stop asking for His help! But don’t thank Him and then take the credit for the good things that come your way. It’s His Hand!

I thank Him:

for answered prayers

for things I escaped that I deserved

for things others take for granted

And then I enter into the long part of my prayer.  Supplication.  I begin, earnestly, with the prayer of Jabez—-and I sincerely mean every word!

Lord, today, bless me indeed. Expand my borders, let your hand be upon me, and keep me from evil that I might not cause pain

Then, realizing the many parts of my life, and my many responsibilities, I humbly ask Him to help  me be the….











travel and businessman

…. I want to be, but I am not. I remind Him that I will fail in all my pursuits if  His hand is not upon me!

I then ask Him to bless and cover those I love.

I begin with Tyler…..then Tommy and finally with Greg.

My siblings

Those in this church

This in the ministry of the Vineyard—-board members, staff and supporters

My neighbors

My fellow pastors

Those that hate me

This list seems to grow!  But I pray for those that genuinely hate me and also those that I have offended.

Those that are in authority over me

Our President

Local folks that can make my life miserable

Those in charge of nations I visit and that issue visas for our campers and staff

Favor with the Federal agencies like the IRS, DoS

My ministry

This church


My fears and anxious thoughts….

And then I study the Word of God. I read it, but I listen to what His Spirit is whispering to me.

Study the word:

One chapter of the Old Testament

One chapter of a Psalm  or Proverb

One chapter of the  New Testament

And then I am ready for the day—-and all its disappointments, hurts, insults and set backs. As well as answers to prayer and validation of His sovereign Hand in my affairs.

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