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Writer's picture: dean9058dean9058

Jesus Walks on the Water

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”  Matthew 14:22-33, NIV

So, Peter and the other eleven are in the middle of a storm, in a small boat, and they see what they assume is a ghost—and they’re properly scared out of their wits—they scream out in horror!    Did you hear the screams yesterday when President Trump was shot?  People screamed one supporter was dead and Mr. Trump was very nearly murdered—all on live TV.  When bizarre things happen we’re horrified!

But Jesus calmed them down, tells them it’s Him.  That’s what He does. He does not alarm us, He gives us calm and peace. But then Peter, still unnerved and bit unconvinced, , calls back and says, ok, if it’s really you….if we really have nothing to fear…if everything is really going to be okay, let me walk to you on the water also—-call me to come to you!  Peter wanted proof.  I am a lot like Peter and Gideon when it comes to wet and dry fleeces or walking on water!  To our shame, sometimes we need some evidence that we can trust Him.  Praise God, it does not offend the Lord that we are pitiful creatures that need to be reassured.

Jesus, always a man of few words, says one word, and instantly the laws of physics are broken—-Peter is told “come”, and he can walk on top of the water like Jesus. Jesus merely says “come” and Peter overcomes the laws of gravity and the Archimedes Principle of objects sinking in water.

Come is all Jesus had to say.  That’s all He has to say today.  At the end of time and the world, when the forces of Satan are gathered together to attack God’s chose,  Jesus  will utter one word and the last battle will be over forever and ever.

Have you heard Him say “come”, to you?

-Come to me all you who labor heavily….and I will give you rest

-Come and touch the imprints in my han and the gash in myself side….and then believe

-Come and touch the hem of my garments….and be healed

-Come and be born again….and enter into the joy of heaven

Friends, life is scary right now—at least it is for me at times. There’s this nasty national divide over Biden and Trump, the very likely prospect of war with China and Russia, crazy viruses and scary vaccines.  Add to that the uncertainty of the choices of our children, the slow decay of these vessels of clay—our bodies.  Yes, and add to that the personal storms within our families or our work and there’s good reason to be terrified!  These men in the boat had an existential encounter with something that scared them to death! They saw something impossible happening— they knew that it was supernatural, against all the known laws of science and they we aware that what they were seeing was consequential.  People did not see things like this and talk about it later!  This was one of this life changing moments. They never forgot it.

But again, Jesus heard their cries. He knew that they were scared. He took the first step!  He hears my cries and your cries!  He knows we’re scared!  So when they shrieked He immediately calmed them down. “Relax! It’s okay! It’s me—-you have nothing to fear.”  But even then there was some concern that maybe a phantom or ghost was trying to trick them. They wanted to calm down, but it they just saw something that has never been seen before or ever again in history. So Peter, the natural leader that he was, tested the phantom.  “If its really you, call me to come and walk on water also!”

And today maybe you and I want to call out to Jesus with the same petition!  If it is REALLY you, tell me to come!! I  do want to believe it, but is this really you?  Are you there? Do you care??  Will you keep me safe?

Peter immediately jumped into the water!  He could have drowned right then and there if his faith was misplaced! He took the risk….he made  the leap of faith and was BOUYED because HE BELIEVED!  It was His FAITH IN JESUS that caused him to walk on water—-just like Jesus walked. It was HIS FAITH that prevailed and kept him from drowning!!! Did you hear that? It was Peter’s faith that prevailed!

I know that these sermons are not the common “John 3:16” variety that many folks want to hear again and again as they await  the rapture.  But I see things differently, perhaps, because I want to live the abundant life and bear fruit for Him!  But I can’t if I am paralyzed with fear.   If all that we pray and sing and say we believe is true, then why not LIVE AND PRAY LIKE IT!

What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Peter heard the voice of Jesus, wanted to believe that it was really Him, so he wanted verification. “If it’s really you, call me to come to you…”

Now this all is important to me,  and should be to you and our nation. Lord, restore our faith, heal our nation, remove our terror!  Please tell us to come and let our doubts be obliterated as we walk on water.  And unlike Peter, let us trust you enough to not look down but to look ahead and keep our eyes fixed upon you.  The author of Hebrews said, “Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end.”   Get your eyes offs of of Him and you will sink!

I am trusting and testing Him even was I write this message.  President Trump escaped an assassination attempt last night be less than an inch and a split second. His ear was nicked, but just a moment earlier or later, when Trump moved left or right, he could have been dead and our notion could have been on the brink of civil war.

Today I am trusting him with the lives of my sons, my camp, this church and my own destiny. Speak Lord Jesus! What should I do—-what should you do—-when all around us seems to be a churning dark storm!?

There is a word in Greek for our pleas to Jesus to come—-“Maranatha”—which is “come Lord”.  Come Lord now and call us to follow you—not our selfish ambitions or prideful plans. Come Lord, this morning, and give us the courage to get out of the boat and walk on water.  Lord come, terrify us if that’s what it takes to make us cry out to you, but let us get our sights fixed upon you—the author and provider of our salvation.

1 Being terrified of what can’t understand or stop or protect yourself is normal. It happens in life.  But Jesus told us to not let our lives be dominated by fear and worry. We have a choice! We cannot control what happens, but the Man that can control the laws of nature is able to give you peace and security. Place your hand in His hand. And if you’re presently sinking, don’t pull away when He reaches down to help you!  Let Him have His way!

2 “Take courage” means:  Christ's victory overshadows all troubles! Be courageous! He has conquered death and all evil. NOTHING will take place on this earth without His permission or plan! Give your terrors and fears to Him now—-this very day.  Don’t listen to the Tempter when he suggests you’re unworthy, unloved, unnoticed.  God knows when a sparrow falls to the ground—He knows what’s going in your head, heart and stomach now!  Cast your cares upon Him because He loves you.

3. Test Him!  Call out to God and ask Him to open your eyes, strengthen you legs, remove the demons of dread, and lighten your load. He will do it! He is able to prove that He is the Master of the waves and those things that we thought would destroy.

4. Get out of the boat!  Stop your whining, whimpering and bellyaching and walk on water! Defy the predictions that others have whispered about you!  Ignore those that say you “can’t”, pay no attention to what the majority have declared to you. You and God is the majority—-all the rest of humanity is the minority! You can’t lose if He has declared that you will win!

5. Don’t look down—-look into His eyes and be saved, steadied, and secured.  There’s no turning back to the boat—-you’ve left it for good reason. Don’t look to those whimpering souls still in the boat for encouragement—-they cannot encourage you—they will only drag you down with them.  Walk on the waves with Jesus and keep you eyes, thoughts and dreams fixed upon Him!

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