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Amazing Jesus....


Jesus was amazed at the Centurion’s faith.

There’s a story of a Roman Centurion approaching Jesus after He had just spoken. The Centurion had a sick servant and he knew that Jesus could heal that servant. Why? Because he had heard about Jesus from others and then He must have seen Jesus do the impossible. From what He had seen and heard, Jesus never failed.

Jesus offered to go and heal the servant, but the centurion didn’t think that he deserved to have Jesus in his home, so he responded, “No sir, just give the command and my servant will be healed.” Jesus was astounded at the man’s faith——and was quite impressed I think. So He told the centurion, “It’s done.” The same moment that Jesus said, “Go home then, it’s done”, it was, in fact, done. But this happened because of the man’s faith in Jesus.

Jesus was happy then, and now, it seems, to help those that trust Him.

Do I make Him happy trusting Him when it seems totally impossible?—do you trust Him? Is He amazed at me for my faith, or dismayed by how thick-headed and quick to forget I am. I have seen Him do the impossible and turn a tragedy into a triumph time and time again—-so why do I doubt Him now?

“Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She touched the fringe of his robe, for she thought, ‘If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.’ Jesus turned around, and when he saw her, he said, ‘Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.’ And the woman was healed at that moment.” (Matthew 9:20-22)

Again, it was the faith that moved the mountains—-it was faith that led to incredible miracles—it was faith that opened the door to a new life! The little old lady mentioned above may not have seen Jesus heal before, but she trusted with just the little faith she had. She trusted Him, and because of this, her faith in Him led to healing.

Lord, heal me….heal my nation……heal your church.

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