The Vineyard
Dear Friends,
2 Chronicles 20:15 He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.
The King was facing an unbeatable army that surrounded the city. There was no hope of rescue, but God told him to not be afraid or discouraged—-“the battle is not yours but God’s”. Is it any less true today than it was 4000 years ago? Are the things we fear and the battles we face our battles or God’s opportunity to reveal His power and sovereignty? Is there anything my God cannot do? There are certainly things that surround me that could be cause for alarm, but “the battle is not mine, it is God’s fight”———that is reassuring.
In sports and military actions the best defense might be a good offense, but in the spiritual domain the best defense is deference, i.e. humbly submitting to His sovereignty in all matters and meekly trusting Him to accomplish the things that I cannot. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of worry, doubt and discouragement—-and so uncommon to trust in God. But Jehoshaphat did trust—-and Jerusalem was saved. It was God’s hand that saved them, but it required Jehoshaphat to let go of his fear and trust in God.
The hero and heroines of the Bible were never the stuff of Hollywood—i.e. supermen that conquered the bad guys or were in destructible when attacked. No, the Bible heroes were shepherds, tenders of sycamore trees, simple fishermen or carpenters. They were often beat up, locked up, or chased around the country side by angry mods. But people did listen to them, follow them and revere them—-but not because of who they were, but because of Who they represented. The real heroes, then and now, don’t speak about their own gifts or greatness—but the greatness of the God—the One that has gone before them to win the battle.
When clouds begin to gather I have to remind myself—-this is HIS holy place, I am HIS servant and ambassador, and He has already made the battle plans to see me through whatever storm is upon me presently, this summer or in summers to come. But I must choose to not be afraid or discourage, regardless of how enormous the challenge and difficult the odds.
Dean Barley
The Vineyard
336 351 2070
919 360 8493 (Mobile)