“The LORD replied to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book.” Exodus 32:33
This is what has always caused me some pause. What if, now or in heaven(?) I do something really stupid (like putting something other than God first in my life —such as the Israelites did when they worshipped a calf made out of metal!)
It appears that all the Israelites were in His Book—i.e. the book of eternal life—and that their names were removed because of their sin against God. A scary thought to consider that one act of disobedience could result in a soul forever being removed from God’s book.
But as patient and long-suffering as He is. evidently there is a limit to Him ignoring the insanity and stupidity of mankind—-e.g. the flood, the tower of Babel, et al. “Enough is enough”, is what God’s to have said when the Israelites ignored His commands and refused to open their eyes to the evil being done around them. “That’s it”, is what Yahweh seems to have said! It’s a very dangerous thing to push God’s patience when it comes to ignoring or dishonoring Him.
Paul remarked that God wants all people to be saved. He wants us all in His book. With the Hebrews His plan that all of those special people would be in His Kingdom and that their nation would be a light to all nations. But some were obviously found to be unworthy and were removed from the book! Does that still happen???
Well, prior to Christ’s sacrifice, a person’s acceptance to God was based upon adherence to the law, a sacrifice to cover the sins committed and righteous behavior. But with Jesus the law has been fulfilled; He served as the perfect and final sacrifice and His righteousness has been imputed/transferred to me when I accepted Him into my hearts. Praise God’s it’s not up to my performance or offerings but His perfect work and provision!
But what burdens me is how lightly we seem to look at sin now and how many experts attempt to tell us that it’s ok to do what we naturally want to do. I suppose that such counsel would be okay if our natural instincts were pure and holy—-but they are not. What false counsel we’re receiving when people tell our children that it’s not right to “judge right and wrong”, when the Bible and His Holy Spirit clearly tell us what is right and what is wrong.
May God give us preachers, priests, editors, politicians and leaders that understand that “He has shown us what is good and what does the Lord requires of us—which is simply to act justly…to love mercy…. and to walk humbly with our God.