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The easy life....


All my life people have talked about “blind faith”, sometimes as an insult another person’s steadfast faith, and at other times in admiration.  But nothing really prepares you to take that step into darkness. It can cause you to lose your sleep and lose weight when you surrender to “whatever will be will be”.  Blind faith is trusting in God—-or someone or something else—-even though you have no idea how things will turn out or what calamity might follow.

Most of us never really take that step blindly unless have absolutely have to. We are not prone to trust anything because of our self-reserving  nature and our bad experiences in life.  Sadly, the longer you live, the more reasons you can recite for not trusting others—-even family and those that love you.

I wonder if all those who opine about blind faith have personally been faced with seemingly hopeless scenarios?  Have the pastors and Christian authors that tell me to “trust God” ever been in a situation where there was no choice but to trust Him?   I have faced some events over the past few years where I have concluded: “There’s no way this is going to have a happy ending.”  It’s akin to knowing that tomorrow you are going to be thrown into a fiery furnace—-and you are tempted to panic and think :I am going to die a horrible death in that furnace!”  And yet, you brace yourself, say your prayers, meekly ask Him to deliver you and  you walk into that oven!

But that’s not how it’s supposed to be!  I am certain that the apostles of old were resolved to be give up their lives right before they were skinned alive, boiled in oil, crucified or beheaded. But I don’t believe for a second that they lost they composure or begged for mercy. I stand in awe of men like these and modern day martyrs like Bonhoeffer, in how they maintained their focus upon Him regardless of if He delivered them from the firing squad or hangman’s noose!

These martyrs did not face death believing that God had to rescue them, but believing that He would be glorified by the manner in which they died.  Oh to have more priests, pastors and Christian leaders that are surrendered to Him, whatever that involves, instead of seeking a complacent, comfortable or safe life.


Dean Barley

1945 Vineyard Road

Westfield, NC 27053

336 351 2070

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