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Yes, we will open!


Camp will open in two weeks(!)…..and things will never be the same again.

And yet as I think about all the challenges of a summer camp, such as ours, this might actually be the “genesis” of a new and better ministry for children. In fact, it’s exciting to consider how God can take an apparent tragedy and turn it into a victory and stunning advancement for His Kingdom.

Like a new phoenix rising from the ashes of the old phoenix, the Bible similarly is full of examples of how God can turn mourning into rejoicing. Consider the preaching of Jonah to Nineveh about the inevitable destruction of the city. The Ninevites repented and God relented! Paul was struck blind, and for three days he was quiet, ate nothing, drank nothing, listened, and had his eyesight restored and became the greatest evangelist the church has ever known. Jesus was crucified and buried, His followers were devastated, but He rose from the dead and brought unimaginable be joy to those who just three days earlier were crushed in despair.

The Almighty is moving at our camp and in this nation in a mighty way.It serves no purpose for me to say, “why me”, when these things happen. I deserve far worse events to happen to me than I am experiencing because of this pandemic! The question to ask is, “How might I glorify Him in this event?” This virus is offering me an opportunity to be of use to Him—-so praise God!

I don’t think lightly of the thousands of camps, businesses and enterprises that are suffering and will not recover from this—-and be sure of this: there will be less camps in America next summer. But this virus, along with social unrest all over the world, is perhaps helping us return to our spiritual foundation; it might be issuing in an awakening.

What must I do, as the founder and director of this little camp? I must say to Him, humbly and sincerely, “Speak Lord Jesus”. I must listen and then ask myself, “What must I do differently? How must I approach ministry more carefully? What lessons have I forgotten and what new lessons should I now be embracing?"

These are things all of us should be asking ourselves instead of pointing our boney little fingers at others. God willing, this will be our grandest summer in 40+ years of camping! But part of the reason will be that I will be willing to listen to Him and allow Him to direct my paths. If I am not, it could be our last summer.

Please pray for our little camp this summer. It has touched children all over the world for nearly 40 years now and we are praying that He might bless us for another 40 years. If you are able to volunteer for a week or two, we could use use the help! The camp will open for campers June 6 and operate to August 8. This summer, one child, directed to Jesus Christ, is sufficient reason to be open.

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